Medical Device Regulations for SaMD in 2023

Software as a Medical Device in the European Union

In the European Union, any software that is intended to be used for medical purposes is subject to the same regulatory requirements as traditional medical devices. This means that software must be certified as a medical device and meet the essential health and safety requirements outlined in the European Union's Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

The certification process for software as a medical device (SaMD) is complex and requires companies to demonstrate that their product meets the same standards of safety, performance, and reliability as traditional medical devices. One of the most important certifications for SaMD is the CE mark, which indicates that the product meets the essential requirements of the MDR.

The CE mark for SaMD is a significant achievement for any company, as it demonstrates that their product meets the highest standards of safety and performance. It also allows companies to market and sell their product in the European Union, which is a major market for healthcare technology.


The certification of SaMD as medical devices is an important step in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of healthcare software. The CE mark certification is a significant achievement for any company that develops SaMD, as it demonstrates their commitment to providing safe and effective products that meet the highest standards of quality. As the use of software in healthcare continues to grow, the certification of SaMD will become increasingly important in ensuring patient safety and improving healthcare outcomes. With our international team of regulatory experts, RQMIS can help you navigate the complex SaMD certification process, and help make the CE mark a reality.

Let RQMIS help get your SaMD to the European Market! Contact us for more information.

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